Monday, 4 December 2017


Guidance and Counseling Teacher Performance on Guidance and Counseling Service and Construction Effort of the Headmaster

Asmaryadi. 2013. Guidance and Counseling Teacher Performance on Guidance and Counseling Service and Construction Effort of the Headmaster. Thesis. Education Faculty Post Graduate Program State University of Padang.

     This research held beacuse of guidance and counseling teacher performance onguidance and counseling service and  construction effort of the headmaster  are not optimal yet. As the result, numbers of students can not obtain counseling service. Next, the guidance and counseling teacher herself/himself do not master optimally the counseling service itself. The headmaster also experienced the same thing. Therefore, a routine construction is needed.
     This research aimed to describe guidance and counseling teacher performance on guidance and counseling service and  construction effort of the headmaster and problems occur to increase guidance and counseling teacher performance. The informant of this research is guidance and counseling teacher, headmaster and students. The method used in choosing the informant is snowball sampling.
     It is a qualitative descriptive research with a case study approach. It takes time on April to June 2013. The techniques in collecting the data are interview and observation. To assure the authenticity, the researcher use credibility, transferability, dependability andconformability. Model Spradley is used to analyze the data. Data presentation and conclusion can be drawn after triangulation in order to obtain research credibility.
            The result of this research is as follow: 1) guidance and counseling teacherperformance on guidance and counseling service, the performance of guidance and counseling teacher on guidance and counseling service is still minim and there is only incidental service, indeed it is very rare for the students to experience counseling service, 2) construction practice by the headmaster to increase guidance and counseling teacher performance is a general one, there is no specific construction to increaseguidance and counseling teacher performance on guidance and counseling service, 3) construction effort toguidance and counseling teacher coordinator in order to increase guidance and counseling teacher performance  on guidance and counseling service  is really minim, such as how to manageguidance and counselingprogram in planning, organizing, applying, controlling and following up, 4) the obstacle and support factors on construction of guidance and counseling teacher performance at guidance and counseling service are so many lack of facility, for example there is no a tool to reveal problem at public SMAN 3 Padangsidimpuan. Next, the service is not optimum yet. To solve these problems are to increase profesional performance of guidance and counseling teacher through education, trainings, seminar, MGBK, optimum guidance and counseling teacher construction by related instance. Next, the headmaster should increase the knowledge related with guidance and counseling so that a mandate and prestige guidance and counseling service will take place.


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