Monday 4 December 2017


Contribution of Self esteem and Parents Treatment for the choice of career direction in High School Students. (A descriptive study of high school students in Adabiah Padang)

Vira Afriyati, 2012. Contribution of Self esteem and Parents Treatment for  the choice of career direction in High School Students. (A descriptive study of high school students in Adabiah Padang)

In adolescence, someone should have taken a career decision. To be able to choose and  plan your career appropriately, you need the choice of career maturity . The choice of career maturity are influenced by external factors and internal factors. Among them, there are self esteem become internally factocr and parents treatment become externally factor which influence the choice of career maturity. This study aims to describe:1) contribution self-esteem to the choice of career maturity of high school students, 2) contribution  parents treatment to the choice of career maturity of high school students. 3) contribution of self esteem and parents treatment for the choice of career maturity in high school students.
This research used quantitative approach by using descriptive method. The population of this research was the students of adabiah padang in the period of 2011/2012 (320). Amount of research sample was 178 students and had been chosen by using simple random sampling technique. The instrument that had been used was close questionnaire by likert scale model. Percentage technique was used to analyzed the first, the second and the third research intended while pearson. Simple regression linear technique was used to analyzed the fourth and fifth research intended, and then multiple linear regression technique was used to analyzed the sixth research intended.
The results of research are: 1) in general career direction level of achievement of the students 'career choices are in middle category, 2) the general level of achievement of self-esteem of students are in high category, 3) in general, parents treatment level of achievement of the fate of the students are in high category, 4 ) there is a contribution to the maturity of the self esteem of students with career choices as big as 6,6%, 5) there is a contribution to the maturation treatment of parents of students toward career options as big as 13,1%, 6) there is a contribution of self-esteem and parental treatment of the maturity of the students' career choices as big as 18,4%

Keywords: self-esteem, parental treatment, career direction


Vira Afriyati, 2012. Kontribusi Self esteem dan Perlakuan Orangtua terhadap Kematangan Arah Pilihan Karier Siswa SMA. (Studi deskriptif terhadap siswa SMA Adabiah Padang)

Pada usia remaja, seseorang seharusnya telah mengambil keputusan karier. Untuk dapat memilih dan merencanakan karier secara tepat, dibutuhkan kematangan arah pilihan karier. Kematangan arah pilihan karier dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal dan faktor internal. Diantaranya, secara internal ada self esteem dan secara eksternal ada perlakuan orangtua yang ikut mempengaruhi kematangan arah pilihan karier. 1)kontribusi self esteem terhadap kematangan arah pilihan karier siswa SMA, 2)kontribusi Perlakuan orangtua terhadap kematangan arah pilihan karier siswa SMA. 3)kontribusi self esteem dan Perlakuan orangtua terhadap kematangan arah pilihan karier siswa SMA.
Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI SMA Adabiah Padang Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 (320), dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 178 orang, yang dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket tertutup dengan mengunakan model skala Likert. Tujuan Penelitian pertama, kedua dan ketiga dianalisis dengan teknik persentase, tujuan penelitian keempat dan kelima dianalisis dengan teknik regresi linear sederhada, dan tujuan penelitian keenam dianalis dengan teknik regresi linear berganda .
Temuan penelitian ini: 1)Secara umum tingkat capaian kematangan arah pilihan karier siswa berada pada katagori sedang, 2)Secara umum tingkat capaian self esteem siswa berada dalam kategori tinggi, 3)Secara umum tingkat capaian pelakuan orangtua terhadap siswa berada pada katagori tinggi, 4)Terdapat kontribusi self esteem terhadap kematangan arah pilihan karier siswa sebesar 6,6%, 5)Terdapat kontribusi perlakuan orangtua terhadap kematangan arah pilihan karier siswa sebesar 13,1%, 6)Terdapat kontribusi self esteem dan Perlakuan orangtua terhadap kematangan arah pilihan karier siswa sebesar 18,4%.

Kata Kunci:         Self esteem, perlakuan orangtua, kematangan arah pilihan karier


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