Monday 4 December 2017


The Role of Couselor In the Student Career Planning Direction (Studies in Public Aliyah Madrasah (MAN) 2 Padang)


Zulfikar. 2013. "The Role of Couselor In the Student Career Planning Direction (Studies in Public Aliyah Madrasah (MAN) 2 Padang)". Thesis. Padang State University Graduate Program.

Career guidance is one area of guidance and counseling which aims to enable students to recognize, understand, and directed toward career planning to enter certain occupations. Conformance with the state job he believed would take them to lead a better life in the future. This can be obtained in the implementation of guidance and counseling services in schools. In the implementation of this service Counselor indispensable role in directing students to plan future career direction. On the other hand students can not plan a career direction appropriate to their talents, interests, and accomplishments he had. Generally, this study aimed to describe the role of Counselor and students planning a career direction. The study also sought to examine the relationship between the Counselor role in planning career direction students.
The study uses a quantitative approach to descriptive type. Research conducted on the students of Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) 2 Padang Academic Year 2011/2012 with a population of as many as 763 students. Total sample of 263 students as much research and sampling was done by using random sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire enclosed with the model using a Likert scale. The data obtained were analyzed by using percentage and to examine the relationship between the two variables used Pearson correlation data analysis techniques (Product Moment Correlation).
The findings of the study explained that: (1) The role of the Counselor in planning the career direction Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang students there, already running and executed, but not yet running and performing to the maximum, (2) Planning a career direction Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang students appropriate, targeted and well-planned but not yet well and (3) There is a relationship between the Counselor role in planning career direction Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang students. Thus, the role of Counselor has contributed to students planning a career direction. Based on the results of the study suggested that Counselor further enhance its role in helping students and should be able to make and implement career guidance programs related to students planning a career direction. students to better plan and focus the direction of his career and a more active discussion with the Counselor. The other concerned parties should organize meetings and scientific activities that address efforts Counselor to assist students in planning the direction of his career. This study can be used as a basis for further research with these variables and the broader subject of research.


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