Arjoni, 2012. The Contribution of Religious Spiritual Power of Islam Perspective toward Student Achievement and Its Implication in Guidance and Counseling Services (A Study at SMAN 7 Padang).
The religious spiritual power is part of the national education purpose which is involved in the constitution No. 20
about the National Education System. It is needed in learning process and
determinet the student achievement. A research was conducted to know the
contribution of religious spiritual power of Islam perpective toward student
achievement and its implication in guidance and counseling services at SMAN 7
This research was kind of quantitative-descriptive which is aimed to
describe the contribution of religious spiritual of power toward students
achiement. The population of 634 respondents, while 245 respondent were chosen
through proportional random sampling. The data were collected by using Likert
scale model and the achievement through the students final score. It was
analyzed through simple linear regression analysis and SPSS 18 for Windows.
The findings showed that religious spiritual power of Islam
perspective at SMAN 7 Padang dominated by high category about 188 resepondents
(77%), the students achievement were dominated by moderate category about 97
respondents (40%). While the contribution of religious spiritual power Islam
perspective toward students achievement
was about 43,4%.
Therefore, the researcher concludes this reasarch that contribution
of religious spiritual power of Islam perspective is needed in the process of
teaching and learning. It can suggest the counselors to invole spiritual power values
in giving counseling and guidance services at school. The headmaster is also
expected to consider the involuement of such the power in making decisions, as
whel as the other teacher in order to
attain the success in teaching, learning process. For the parents monitoring
the development of students spiritual power religion, is also to promote their achievement in studying.
2012. Kontribusi
Kekuatan Spiritual
Keagamaan Perspektif
Islam Terhadap
Hasil Belajar Siswa
dan Implikasinya Dalam Pelayanan Bimbingan dan Konseling (Studi di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 7 Padang).
spiritual keagamaan merupakan bagian dari tujuan pendidikan nasional
sebagaimana terdapat dalam UU No 20 tetang sistem pendidikan Nasional (SISDIKNAS).
Kekuatan spiritual keagamaan diperlukan dalam belajar dan merupakan bagian dari
faktor yang mempangaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Kekuatan spiritual keagamaan
perspektif Islam terdiri dari 3 aspek yaitu aqidah/keimanan, ibadah/keislaman,
akhlak/keihsanan. Fenomena di lapangan menunjukan bahwa kekuatan spiritual
keagamaan perspektif Islam dan hasil belajar siswa belum adanya kesesuaian
dalam perkembanganya. Dengan demikian penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian
yang lebih mendalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kondisi kekuatan
spiritual keagamaan perspektif Islam siswa dan hasil belajar siswa serta
mengetahui kontribusi kekuatan spiritual keagamaan perspektif Islam terhadap
hasil belajar siswa di SMAN 7 Padang.
ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif-kuantitatif yakni mendeskripsikan
kontribusi kekuatan spiritual keagamaan perspektif Islam terhadap
belajar siswa. Populasi penelitian ini terdiri dari 634 responden. Teknik yang digunakan
dalam menentukan sampel yaitu teknik acak berimbang (proportional random
sampling). Adapun jumlah sampel yang didapatkan yaitu sebanyak 245 responden.
Data dikumpulkan dengan instrumen menggunakan skala model Likert
hasil belajar berasal dari nilai rapor siswa, dianalisis dengan teknik Analisis Regresi Liniear Sederhana dan diolah dengan bantuan program SPSS 18 for Windows.
Dari hasil penelitian
ditemukan kekuatan spiritual keagamaan siswa SMAN 7 Padang didominasi kategori tinggi
berjumlah 188 orang (77%). Hasil belajar siswa didominasi kategori sedang berjumlah
97 orang (40%), sedangkan kontribusi kekuatan spiritual keagamaan siswa
terhadap hasil belajar signifikan dengan kontribusi sebesar 43,4 %.