Monday 4 December 2017


Relationships between the Student Motivation and Achievement for School Learning Plans Career Direction” (Study on Students Class XI High School Kartika Padang 1-5)


Roshinta Erezka. 2012. “Relationships between the Student Motivation and Achievement for School Learning Plans Career Direction” (Study on Students Class XI High School Kartika Padang 1-5). Thesis. Graduate Program, State University of Padang.
            Basically, education is part of the trip early career. Education is also a major element of one's efforts in preparing to enter certain occupations. Suitability of employment with the state itself is believed, will bring them to lead better lives in the future. More specifically for high school students, a decision on the selected type of education has direct implications for the employment, office or aspired to a career after completing his studies at the level of education which he passes.
            This research aims to reveal and explain the relationship between student motivation and achievement in school to learn to plan a career direction. Three hypotheses were proposed, namely: (1) there has a relationship of school students 'motivation for students planning a career direction, (2) there has a link to the learning achievement of students planning a career direction, and (3) there has a relationship of school students' motivation and learning achievement together to plan the student’s career direction.
            In this research, the researcher used quantitative method by analysis approach. The population includes all students of class XI SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang students numbering 400 people. Total samples were 192 students were chosen by simple proportional random sampling technique. The data were collected by using inventori which has proven validity and reliability. Analysis of data using correlation and regression techniques with SPSS program version 15.
            The results of this study indicate that the three hypotheses tested significantly.
There has a significant association of school students motivation and learning achievement of the career planning. These findings suggest that the motivation of students to school and learning achievement can not be ignored in addition to other variables are suspected of having links with the planning of career direction. The supervising teacher has expected to develop through a credible form BK program activities more effectively and creatively as well as provide career information to students in planning a career direction 


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